A few suggestions

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A few suggestions

Post by thoughtless »

1. Change users password or make them change their password on next login or send a link to change their password (from the admin panel).
2. Re-enable one or multiple users who have been temporarly locked.
3. Access to what the user had bought and edit/remove its link/codes/temporary file,etc. (ex: admin.php?page=orders&tid=8 should have a list with what the user had bought and edit if necessary).
4. On Latest transactions should have the "Paid to" address linked to https://blockchain.info/address/ (ex: http://steamgamesbtc.com/)
5. Enable/Disable registration for new users from admin panel.
6. Enable/Disable Products/First/Description,etc pages without being logged. If the users is not logged, he does not have acces to the website.
7. Ability to remove a backup from admin menu from System -> KEY BACKUPS
8. Ability to DELETE PAGE with the codes from : admin.php?page=items&action=edit&fid=8&suba=ecodes . There are only BACK | ADD NEW CODE | ADD NEW CODES | DELETE ALL.
9. Ability to import or export codes from a single or multiple products.
10. Some sort of invitation only via link. (When a new user registred via invitation, it would help if that can be mentioned in the admin panel which user invited him).
11. A function to bid for an item. This would be great.

I will try to edit this and add more suggestions or if anybody would like to add something new, go ahead.
Some of these proposals might help bitshop script and could bring a few new customers.
Last edited by thoughtless on Tue May 24, 2016 3:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A few suggestions

Post by bitfreak »

Some good suggestions, I'll definitely try to include most of them in future releases. Development will be slow for a little while though because I've got a lot of other stuff I need to work on right now.
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:22 am

Re: A few suggestions

Post by thoughtless »

Thank you bitfreak.
Some of them are usefull and some of them are a must. Like suggestion nr 1,2,3 4, 7, 8, 9.
Rest of them should be extensions for people to add them if they need them. Like nr 5, 6, 10, etc
I will try to edit and add more suggestions in my first post as I think of new ones.
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