Switch from one server to another (or xampp)

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Switch from one server to another (or xampp)

Post by george »

How can I switch an existing bitshop from one hosting to another?
I use the shop since a few years, want to move now. But before I do that, I want to make a few changes (locally with xampp).
Downladed all files & mySQL db, imported shopfiles into xampp (as done with other sites) and database into mySQL with no errors.
But, cannot access site via localhost (also tried with ip and/or diff. ports). Always same error appears:

Object not found!
The requested URL could not be found on the server. If you entered the URL manually, please check the spelling and try again.
If you consider this to be a malfunction of the server, please inform the webmaster about it.
Error 404

Any idea how to solve issue? The URL is correct. Thank you. George
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Re: Switch from one server to another (or xampp)

Post by bitfreak »

Apache may be configured to use a port other than 80, which means you need to specify the port in the URL (e.g. localhost:8080/bitshop/). Open the xampp control panel and check httpd.conf to see what port Apache uses. Also make sure that all the BitShop files are inside ~/xampp/htdocs/bitshop/

EDIT: Oh the issue is probably the config file. You will need to edit /inc/config.inc.php and update the database connection settings near the top of the file. Also change the value of $install_dir to '/bitshop/' unless you placed the BitShop files straight into the htdocs folder.
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