Exchange rate:
1 BTC = 69,779.65 USD


shopping cart software

Terms and Conditions

No Refunds

It is not possible to get a refund once you release your bitcoins. If you have trouble purchasing the product you will receive help completing the order provided that you can prove you sent the bitcoins to the correct address. If you cannot prove that you sent any bitcoins to the address provided to you upon attempting the transaction you will not receive the product.

No Warranty

Unless otherwise stated, software on this website is provided without any warranty. The scripts and code offered on this website are not guaranteed to be error free or without defects. The buyer shall be solely liable for any damage, defect or loss incurred as a result of operating the software and undertake the risks contained in running the software offered by this website.

Intellectual Property

By using this website and purchasing software from it, you agree that you will only use the software purchased according to the corresponding license and that you will not violate or infringe any copyrights, intellectual property laws, patents and/or trademarks. You also may not share software keys with others. Clients found infringing these terms will have all their license(s) fully revoked.